
HS Reseller News
NEW: Windows Image Backup
Our platform adaption technology uses cutting edge Imaging on modern Windows Servers to create bare metal backups. But even if the customer’s computer is an older generation of Windows, our Imaging will make sure the client still gets a bare metal backup.
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New Revenue: Hunting Buried Treasure
Uncovering opportunity takes patience, persistence and a plan. Auditing your customer’s technology is a way to uncover more opportunity than you can possibly imagine
Rules & Regs: PCI Compliance
You get a call from your client. His business has been accepting credit cards for some time, but today he received a call from his bank. The bank wants him to
confirm he’s PCI compliant. He calls you and wants to confirm he’s OK before he
responds to his bank.  You smack your
forehead with the palm of your hand and reach for the aspirin. 
COMS: Communicating with  clients during cyber attack
On the morning of October 21, 2016, the world awoke to a deviously clever Distributed Denial of Service attack. It was to date the largest ever witnessed, with the attack load exceeding 1.2 terabits per second. 
Best Practice: Database Backup Retention
We’ve seen much written on database backups but almost nothing about database backup retention. Without
understanding this topic, you could find you are not able to restore what you
need. Or you could be wasting time and money keeping backups for too long.
DevOps: less is
more, more or less
A big part of any Sysadmin job is being able to extract information from log files. Often these log files are voluminous and contain information from a dozen or more sources.

less is probably the single best tool in your arsenal for combing through logs and zeroing in on what you want. And best of all, it’s free and available on
every platform you use today.
December, 2016 Issue